Evolution Algorithms. Sitio web coorporativo

What we do

Evolution Algorithms is a software consultancy specialized in the development and implementation of optimization solutions.

Optimization problems occur in many different sectors and activities. For example, in the specific case of route optimization, the common problem consists in the need to plan a series of services (distribution, commercial visits, passenger transfers, etc.), taking into account the available resources (vehicles and people) and the logistic restrictions to be respected (schedules, work times, incompatibilities, etc.).

Evolution Algorithms solves these types of problems through software tools that not only perform the planning automatically but also find the most economical solution possible by minimizing kilometers, costs among many other parameters.

Evolution Algorithms carries out most of its activity focused on the product LOGISPLAN marketed in its two versions:

  • Logisplan Professional. It is a closed package designed to solve simple optimization problems for distribution or visit cases. The objective is to provide small and medium enterprises with an optimization tool that is easy to implement and at an affordable cost.
  • Logisplan Advance. It is the most complete version of LOGISPLAN system inlluding several advanced features and supporting custom developments to fit customerspecific problems. Its implementation is carried out directly by Evolution Algorithms authorized partners through a turnkey project that includes all the consulting necessary to successfully implement the tool in the context of the company. In this case there is no limitation with respect to sectors or types of activity that can be addressed.
  • Logistics scenarios Optimization. Additionally, Evolution Algorithms carries out fully tailored projects to solve logistics scenarios whose complexity or nature suggests a development from scratch. For this, he has extensive experience in solving optimization problems, a highly motivated team involved in the projects in which he participates and a total mastery of artificial intelligence techniques (especially genetic algorithms) and GIS (Geographical Information) necessary for the development of the solution.
  • OptiQuation . Other current development lines are computer systems capable of finding the set of values x 1 ,…, x n , such that they minimize complex mathematical functions of type x 1 * x + x 2 * x 2 +…. + x n * x n .
  • Mass center calculation . Our team works, at the same time, developing computer systems that allow locating the optimal location of a warehouse or collection center based on the statistical data associated with them.